A Conversation With The Spirit Guide

Last time I was here,
I was a disappointed,
Standing weightless,
Next to the god of the universe,--
Considering my next life.--

I asked if,--next time,--my life,
On Planet Earth,
Could finally intertwine with yours.---

God sighed-- a big sigh--and said,---

"My dear son,
you two aren't due to meet for
Another three lifetimes!
You've asked me the same thing
Since 100AD!"---

My celestial lip quivered and I said,
I know!--

This time I'd love just to be nearby,
So I can at least guide her so success in her life is pure abundance.---
God smiles his soul deep,--
A wonderful smile at me and said,

"Child, it will be so hard for both you both.
But, seeing as you asked for the very same thing last time he were here, I suppose I'll grant your request,
But you must be patient my child."


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